i've been feeling very nostalgic lately - dancing'll do that to a girl... :) and i started to reminisce about all ("all" - what like 5?) lindy exchanges i've been to in the (dating myself) 14 years i've been dancing... and i kinda got a little misty that i'd never travelled to one overseas... i would've especially loved to attend an exchange in japan, south korea and (hello!?) the philippines.
and then, i saw this tweet by the dept. of tourism - philippines:
"Every Filipino is encouraged to do their own share in promoting local tourism. Mahalin ang sariling atin! Good night, guys! #pilipinastarana"
so, i googled "lindyhop philippines"... and got a big ol' goose egg... i mean - there's like a gazillion pinoy lindyhoppers (incl. teachers, djs, dancers, bloggers) in the states -
even the black eyed peas/apl de ap got in on the action:
"Bebot: Generation One" (Directed by Patricio Ginelsa) from Kid Heroes on Vimeo.
srsly, are there any lindyhoppers in the PI?
so that's when i started to make a list of all the stateside pinoys/pinays i know (not necessarily personally) that also lindyhop:
anna marie panlilio - photographer and dancer. see also cianna's video below.
bernard of hollywood
brainard llanes - i should really post a pic of him in his halloween tooth fairy costume. this video is located in his channel btw :
cianna stewart (anna marie is in the video below too)
claudine co (chinese but grew up in the PI - counts! totes!) - she swivels in on the :50 mark (noah galang also swivels in this at the 1:46 mark - then its like a sausage fest...)
dexter santos
erwin amurao
jerry almonte - dancer and lindy hop blogger
josie say i couldn't find any video of josie dancing which is a shame cuz she's amazasian! :)
john joven
loreto agdinaoay - dancer and dj
meeshi ravi
noah galang - dancer and teacher see claudine's video above...
noel hipona
roy samson - roy is the first lead in the jam.
rick panganiban
tessa auza (plz don't kill me) - at the :53 mark, claudine is in this one too at the 1:30 mark
at the 2:45 mark, tessa is dancing with john joven:
last, but certainly not least - victor deleon - a dear friend, fellow bay area old school dancer, lindy hop event promotor/ambassador (who takes me out for my first wedding jam at my reception):
and don't forget me! :) (teaching w/ frankie manning - probably the most humbling experience of my life...)
and then it occurred to me... can you imagine if all these (really HAWT) folks got together - HOPPED A PLANE TO THE PI - and threw down an workshop/exchange called... wait for it... wait for it...
with just the group of dancers above - alone - you'd have teachers to teach beg/int/adv lindyhop, blues, hip hop, leader/follower styling, dips/tricks/aerials, etc... AND some of the best DJs to spin for dances and late night parties, etc...
add to that all the filipinos i DON'T know (insert infinite number here) - PLEASE FEEL FREE TO ADD NAMES AND LINKS IN THE COMMENTS - and BOOM! you have a mindblowing way to support tourism in the philippines AND get your groove on.... a white sand beach... while enjoying a tall frosty glass of halo halo.... *sigh*
SO HOW - HOW??!! - HAS THIS NOT HAPPENED YET PEOPLE!!!??? make. it. happen.
Let's do this thing!!!
HOI! (or shall i say OI! as they do across the pond...) HOW!? :)
This comment might be late, but there are lots of people in the PI who would love to learn the Lindy Hop.
It was really frustrating back in 1997 ♥ when my friends and I wanted to learn the Lindy —Pre-youtube, and slow dial up connection.
I wish you would set up a small beginners class, and maybe start a trend ??? ^_^
Hope to hear from you. ^_~d
warm regards,
Ok i just read this blog and just wondering if there is still interest that we do a lindy hop class with teachers from germany?! is there any sugesstion where to teach and how it could be organized?!
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