Monday, August 21, 2006

steed taylor w/ road tattoo

steed taylor w/ road tattoo
Originally uploaded by mamazilla1972.

once in a great while, my life is lucky enough to bump into lives that inspire me to do more, to be better, to be kinder, to be present, to dream big and with passion, etc, etc.... such is the life of steed taylor. steed is one of the many talented artists i met during my residency at ACA last summer. the one thing i regret about my time at ACA is missing out on spending some one on one time with steed. i was supposed to have dinner with him and some of the other associates, but my morning sickness kicked into high gear and instead i spent the evening embracing a toilet. :(

i did however get a chance to work with steed on preparing and completing a road tattoo (actually a hurricane charm for new smyrna beach, fl). despite the morning sickness and the heat, i helped a little bit and watched this vivid, dazzling work emerge from the nothing.

anyway, i just got an email from steed re: his latest shows/works. if you have the time, please visit him/his art if you can, you won't be disappointed!

Newburgh Sculpture Project 2006
Newburgh, NY
July 29 - November 30, 2006
Hidden Circle, 16' x 80', high-gloss latex and prayer, Colden Street between Broadway and Washington Street.
This road tattoo is the visible edge of a large circle. Similar to a tattoo covered by clothing that obscures a view of the entire piece, the majority of this circle cannot be seen. It seems to disappear under the grassy hill next to the road. It also alludes to hidden groups of people who share a common interest or social background but remain unnoticed by the majority of the population, much like Newburgh's current influx of ethnic groups or it's past with rogue colonial troops turning against the colonies.

Between Ten
SPIN Gallery, Toronto, Canada, as part of the XVI International AIDS Conference
August 2006
Stephen Andrews, Joe DeHoyos, Nancer LeMoins, Luna Luis Ortiz, Eric Rhein, Steed Taylor and Albert Winn. Between Ten, curated by Visual AIDS, showcases the work of seven artists bracketing the 10 years since the introduction of HAART (highly active antiretroviral therapy) in 1996. This exhibition provides an insightful look into diverse works by artists who continue to live with HIV/AIDS. To see a selection of my work in the show:

STUDIO In the park
Riverside Park , NY
May 6 – September 16, 2006
Orly Genger, Robert Greenberg, Elana Herzog, McKendree Key, Mischa Kuball, Emil Lukas, Fabian Marcaccio, Alexis Rockman, Kenny Scharf, Gary Simmons, and Steed Taylor. Although the show closes in September, my piece will remain until next summer.
For a map and to see my piece in the show:

Print Zero/Print Exchange
University of Miami, Rainbow Gallery, Coral Gables, FL
September 1-30, 2006
To see my print in the show:

Duke University & Nasher Museum, Durham, NC
September 15 - June 15, 2007
20' x 225', high-gloss latex, prayer and names; located on the entrance drive of the Nasher Museum.

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