Monday, January 29, 2007

evolution, why have you forsaken me!?

so, we were asked out on a playdate friday afternoon... the plan was to drive over to the local mcdonalds playland/playplace have lunch, let the kids run around a bit, yada yada yada... well, unbeknownst to us... chicago public school had the day OFF.

so? SO!? so EVERY OTHER MOM IN THE AREA had the same idea!

what they don't tell you is when you enter a mcdonalds playplace, all children flip an internal switch and move at lightspeed. the paloma was one of a ZILLION screaming, blurry horizontal stripes of pink. i was constantly trying to keep track of her to no avail. finally, at one point, she made her way to the tippy top of the behemoth vinyl, foam and mesh climbing structure and realized she was too afraid to come down and wouldn't stop screaming about it until i shimmied my fat *ss all the way up there to get her...

it was not pretty. then, i released her back on terra firma where she was resumed her screaming, fast moving pink stripeness again...


y'know. eight arms woulda come in handy too...

and on a related humorous note - who has this phone? HOW COOL ARE YOU!?


daddy in a strange land said...

Hey Geraly, I can't find your e-mail, I wanted to forward you something (you probably already know about it though) I got about a AsAm women's event in Chicago. :)

Unknown said...

diasl - CYE! :)

Carrie said...

Y'know, I was swamped by OPK (other people's kids) Friday too when we went to the local bookstore for storytime, but I deserve what I got. I KNEW about the CPS off day, and I went out anyway. On the upside, we also made it to tot time at the local pool that morning, which was not at all crowded.

Mother said...

Oh God, how I remember those days when the grown folk in my household were little ones like your Paloma. Wonderful insights. Great humor.

Unknown said...

tessence - are you in labor YET!!??

mother from another continent - thanks for stopping by and for the compliment!


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