Tuesday, March 05, 2013

facebook fast - update

so, it's been almost three weeks since i started my facebook fast...  and it's been a tough go of it...  facebook may have it's warts but for me and my family and friends who now live in different time zones and continents, it really is a wonderful way to stay in touch, even if it is only through a status update...  personally, i find some status updates truly intimate and genuine...

anyway, i'm glad that i've been able to keep my lenten sacrifice so far...  i tell you this now, because tomorrow is my birthday and i will most likely break it...  i just think if people take time to send you good wishes, the least you can do is thank them....

i have definitely noticed in the past three weeks that i'm my more observant self.   i have re-opened my eyes to the world around me that was often obscured by my phone and my facebook wall...

although, i've failed thus far to write any letters, i have blogged more and have read more and am still planning on writing letters....  one of the hidden gifts of being more observant is how something mundane or coincidental will rush memories of someone and bring them to the present and the need to communicate with them becomes a priority...  i've also noticed that i've struck up conversations with complete strangers more often than before.  and they've been very funny and productive interactions....

not too recently, during one of our chicago snowstorms, i noticed an elderly man struggling to free his car from the middle of an unplowed intersection.  eventually, after he'd managed to back up onto the street corner,  i helped him to move his car and asked a couple of construction workers to help me.  we released the car and the man waved weakly from his window.  i bought my fellow helpers hot chocolates at the cafe.   we joked a bit about the man and his mercedes and what could possibly be so important for him trek outside on a stormy day like that day.

late in the afternoon, it was still snowing...  and while tromping home thru snow with the kids  from school, we spied a lovely old sewing table (sans machine & retrofitted with a new top).  The metal legs were in very good condition and the pedal still moved the large wheel.  i couldn't let the table languish in the alley, so i started to half drag/half carry the heavy table home...  which was only a half block away...

the two construction workers from the morning saw me.  they came to my rescue this time, and carried the table the rest of the way home and up our front steps...  i am so very thankful for and humbled by their generosity.  it was a good day.  i was thankful that i was present to help the man in his car and thankful i was present to see the sewing table....  :)

fwiw, these three weeks have been an excellent reminder of how absent i have been in other parts of my life...  and that i should endeavor to balance my online life and my off line life... and be more present and observant in both....

chicago is currently hiding under a blanket of snow...  she's quite pretty nonetheless....  i hope you are warm and safe wherever you are...  thanks for coming by and reading...  :)


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