suffice to say, if the zutons/redwalls/keane tour is stopping by your city, i highly recommend you (and your favorite oxygen tank) see the show. and try not to pre-judge keane, solely on the funky dancing (?) that the lead singer does... :)
up next? xiu xiu, built to spill, john legend (opens for alicia keys), desmond dekker (woo-hoo!!!!) are all playing chicago venues...
i convinced popzilla to attend the kurt halsey frederiksen show by dangling a late dinner at rick bayless' frontera grill in front of him. the show was small but well attended. his work is quite beautiful up close and personal. we got to meet the artist and i caught a glimpse of his "model" (who i also think is his significant other and has a kurt halsey tattooed on her arm). kurt was very nice and i was a babbling starstruck groupie (pathetic). now, we are the proud owners of "met a boy", a small, unique full body drawing of a young pigtailed, flip flopped girl, by kurt halsey frederiksen. :) enormous thank you to wag artworks for hosting the show.
(i promised myself that i would never post a pic of me on my blog... never say never... )
me & kurt halsey frederiksen -

could it be your computer does not "see" my pic (which is posted above)?
to view his work, try his website -http://www.kurthalsey.com
ms bees knees, sweetie, darling -
there's a pic of me and kurt at the very bottom of the post... (not the cotton balls or the steel wool) i don't know why you aren't seeing it. :( it's a conspiracy!
square 1 - you are much too kind! :) thank you!
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