just an fyi - i have a new post up at filipina moms titled, "perspective from a bridge", about how i feebly manage to educate the kids about their filipino heritage... hope you like it. :)
btw - i had these really grand and delusional plans to publish another post (in addition to the filipina moms post) about today's adventures in potty training the porkchop... but after jumping (and jumping and jumping) in rain puddles (while walking for miiiiiiiiiiiles in search of aforementioned puddles) early this morning.... and then jumping into potty training.... and then trying to make dinner from a totally new recipe with a totally new grill pan, while simultaneously training the failing and fountainous, but smiley and jolly porkchop....
*waving white flag*
me tired. me go bed now.
fire bad. tree pretty. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.....
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
what i did during my (increasingly recurrent) blogging hiatus(es)...

* auditioned as a dance extra in a johnny depp / christian bale film shooting in chicago now called public enemies. (i didn't make it but the thin man did!)
* celebrated my 36th year on earth in vegas w/ a posse of my girls... where i got carded at social house! woo-hoo! and still caught my flight despite daylight savings time! BONUS!
* had our bedroom and entryways painted - by the slowest painting crew known to man. got trapped indoors because of inclement weather. and then, went bankrupt. and contemplated murdering painting crew and then suicide.
* immediately after painting mayhem, JUST BARELY survived another grueling spring break with the paloma and the porkchop. it was like a scene out of lord of the flies up in here people...
* watched cars and polar express with the porkchop at least once a day.
* thought up a GAZEEEEEEEELION craft ideas to entertain the paloma.
* went to our local public library with terrible tantrumming two yo at least once every week.
* shopped for fabric and sewed up a bunch of dresses and costumes as gifts for the paloma, friends and family.
* got to hang wid my sistah filipina moms bloggers - gena and mj- more wimmins i wannabees when i grows up....
* visited my chiropractor and my hair salon and my ob/gyn in an effort to get into the shower more than once a month.
* missed any and all easter holidays... bad catholic!! BAD catholic!!!
* interviewed a handful of potential babysitters so that the thin man and i could actually get a date night in a week. found mary poppins was available. SO. NOT. KIDDING. very excited!!!
* hosted a jewelry trunk show/party for one of my oldest and dearest grrlfriends, eva rios.
* got terminally obsessed, depressed and over ate desserts over the paloma ( who incidentally HATES ME! WANTS TO KILL ME! and HOPES THAT I WILL DIE!) possibly having non verbal learning disorder (just like i did this same time, last year....)
still over eating. as i type.
suffice to say the winter was bad for me.
the spring didn't start so great either.
but i'm ok and hangin' in there. slowly coming out of hiding... kinda like the butterflies i'm seeing more and more of...
i've missed blogging and commenting and reading your comments and posts.
but, i think i'm ready to play catch up.
tag. you're it. :)
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