no idle hands to be found at the 'zillas... no, sireeee, bob!
currently, i'm working on a vintage inspired, hand embroidered, personalized pillow for k'zilla. i may do two more generic ones and show those to you... ('cause i can't bring myself to broadcast her name to y'all anonymous heathen folk).
recently, my friend, stace (WHO TOTALLY BLEW ME OFF THIS WEEKEND FOR A BOY, BY THE WAY), makes jewelry and got me hooked on it. i made the pictured necklace based on this one from the sundance catalog. *doing roger rabbit*
concurrently, i stumbled on the awesome website of the LA drawing club. i was so inspired by the work that they're doing that i started to look around for something similar here. i couldn't find anything really so, i emailed the beverly art center (a neighborhood institution) about whether or not they host something similar. i got an email back asking if i could meet with them to start one up based on the specs of LA drawing club. so, i meet with them this weekend. they've offered up the much needed space or help with the fee if i decide to find a space off site. (!)
and lastly, i've decided to break my silence about something that i've been working on... a few months back, i applied for an associate artist residency position for an upcoming program with jessica hagedorn at the atlantic center for the arts in florida.
i've always doubted that i would get the residency. i really applied because i admire jessica hagedorn and her work and i thought it would be really helpful (& b*tchin' cool) to have her read something of mine and maybe even critique it.
so, it's march 21st and still no SASE in the mail... i think i've given up now. (i'm such a giver-upper, i know...)
anyway, the writing sample i sent was a part of an idea of for a book about mothers and daughters i had. since then, that idea has metamorphosed into something else. so, i went ahead and started a brand spanking new blog (since i reckon that's the hip happening blogging thing to do in these here parts) based on this idea. so, i introduce to you plastic bag of crayons.
1 comment:
you are the coolest mom around. my favorite crayon is lavendar. :)
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