first came the research... mostly done online (we only had a few days) and we started with of course! :) much of it was really depressing and difficult for the paloma... oftentimes, she would get a little teary eyed... and frankly, morbid/morose... i got a leetle worried and redirected her from the sad reality of the plight of the giant pangolin and into the depths of the project...
i started us off by finding a great pangolin image. i traced the drawing and some text onto the shirt w/a fabric marking pen. paloma followed behind with some fabric markers

then we finished up with the poster portion of her presentation that listed a little background info about the giant pangolin - habitat, interesting facts and threats, etc...

we were both exceedingly happy with our work. she came home with a score of 12 pts./12 pts. and she can't wait to wear the shirt when it gets returned to her. i'm kinda jealous - i want a save the giant pangolin t-shirt!!! :)